Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

Inter Nos (23/08/07) : Gangguan pada Blogger.com

Sejak Selasa hingga Rabu (21-22 Agustus 2007) kemarin banyak rekan memberitahu bahwa mereka tidak bisa mengakses www.ignatiusloyola.net. Walaupun sampai dengan Rabu sore saya masih bisa membuka halaman depan blogsite, saya pun juga mengalami kesulitan untuk membuka beberapa artikel di dalam arsip, dan selalu menjumpai pesan error di dalamnya.

Selidik punya selidik, setelah mencari informasi sana sini, bahkan mencoba me-reset setting domain, semakin jelas bahwa server Blogger yang dimiliki Google ini (host server blogsite ini) memang sedang mengalami problem yang cukup serius dan massive, karena ternyata pada hari-hari itu banyak blog juga tidak bisa diakses dan menjumpai pesan-pesan error.

baru bisa diakses secara normal kembali kurang lebih pada pukul 23.00 rabu malam kemarin, setelah Google sendiri berhasil memulihkan gangguan yang ada pada server Blogger.com.

PCWorld.com melaporkan beritanya sebagai berikut:

Outage Hits Google's Blogs

Google's Blogger service was down Wednesday morning, but appears to be functioning now.

Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 09:00 AM PDT

Google Inc.'s Blogger blog publishing and Blogspot blog hosting services went offline earlier Wednesday. Among the organizations affected by this apparently widespread outage was Google itself, which hosts its official company blogs on Blogspot.

Blogger publishers have posted a rising volume of complaints on the official Blogger discussion forum since Monday, reporting problems editing, publishing and accessing blogs.

However, things apparently took a turn for the worst on Wednesday morning U.S. Eastern Time, when Blogger and Blogspot apparently went totally offline.

Checks on Blogger.com and a variety of Blogspot-hosted blogs by IDG News Service staff in different parts of the U.S. and Europe returned server error messages, confirming reports from users in the Blogger discussion forum.

Blogger and Blogspot came back online at around 11 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time. The outage apparently lasted over one hour. However, many Blogger publishers have been reporting error messages when trying to perform a variety of operations at least since Monday.

Google didn't respond to a query on Tuesday about the complaints piling up in the discussion forum, nor did it reply to a request for comment on Wednesday morning about the service's outage.

Mohon Maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang ada. Semoga hari-hari ke depan gangguan semacam ini tidak dialami kembali. Hari Kamis ini, posting akan berjalan kembali seperti biasa. Kisah Pastoral dan Hidup Jesuit Pater Eddy seri ke-6 sudah saya publish rabu kemarin, dan akan memasuki seri terakhir jumat besok.

Terima Kasih

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